
María J. Cano and Marta Alonso from University of Murcia (Spain) carried out an expedition to Northern Argentina in March of 2014. This trip was funded by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through the project “Studies in the family Pottiaceae in South America. Phase III” (CGL2010-15959). This exploration was carried out thanks to the cooperation of National Herbarium of Córdoba (CORD). About 420 specimens of bryophytes were collected, keeping at CORD and MUB. We wish acknowledge the assistance of Gloria Barboza (National Herbarium of Córdoba) and Olga G. Martínez (National University of Salta).




  • Gallego M.T., Cano M.J., Jiménez J.F, Jiménez J.A. & Guerra J. 2014. Morphological and molecular data support a new combination into the neotropical complex of cucullate-leaved species of Syntrichia (Pottiaceae). Systematic Botany 39(2): 361–368.
  • Cano M.J. & Jiménez J.A. 2016. The genus Saitobryum (Pottiaceae) revisited. Journal of Bryology 38: 223–229.
  • Cano M.J., Jiménez J.F., Alonso M. & Jiménez J.A. 2016. Untangling Pseudocrossidium crinitum s.l. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) through molecular and morphometric analysis. Nova Hedwigia 102: 89–106.
  • Cano M.J. & Alonso M. 2017. Three new mosses records from the Andes of Northwestern Argentina. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica 52: 261-263. 10.31055/1851.2372.v52.n2.17440
  • Jiménez J.A., Alonso M., Cano M.J. 2018. Didymodon buckii (Pottiaceae), a new moss species from the Neotropics. The Bryologist 121: 554–559.
  • Cano M.J. 2019. New data on the moss genus Stegonia (Bryophyta, Pottiaceae). Herzogia 32: 338-343.
  • Alonso M., Jiménez J.A. & Cano M.J. 2019. Taxonomic revision of Chionoloma (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 104: 563–632.
  • Cano M.J., Jiménez J.A., Gallego M.T. & Guerra J. 2021. A molecular approach to the phylogeny of the moss genus Pseudocrossidium (Pottiaceae, Bryopsida). Journal of Systematics and Evolution, jse.12801.
  • Jiménez J.A., Cano M.J. & Guerra J. 2022 [2021]. A multilocus phylogeny of the moss genus Didymodon and allied genera (Pottiaceae): Generic delimitations and their implications for systematics. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60(2): 281–304.