
From December 2013 to January 2014, María J. Cano collected in Fogo and Santiago islands (Cape Verde) more than 180 specimens of bryophytes. This trip was partially funded by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through the project CGL2010-15959. The collected specimens are kept in MUB.



Santiago: Mato Xexe, 15°03'24''N, 23º40'39''W, 763 m.
Santiago: Cruz Grande, 15°07'55''N, 23º40'02''W, 450 m.
Santiago: carretera a Calheta de São Miguel, 15°09'06''N, 23º38'35''W, 320 m.


Fogo: pr. Galinheiros, 14°59'45''N, 24º26'54''W, 394 m.
Fogo: pr. Campanas de Baixo, 15°01'22''N, 24º23'48''W, 582 m.



  • Cano M.J. 2016. New records of Pottiaceae (Bryophyta) from Cape Verde. Nova Hedwigia 103(3–4): 373–383. DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2016/0361
  • Jiménez J.A. & Cano M.J. 2017. Didymodon caboverdeanus J.A. Jiménez & M.J. Cano (Pottiaceae, Musci), a new species from Cape Verde archipelago. Journal of Bryology 39: 171–176.
  • Jiménez J.A., Cano M.J. & Guerra J. 2022 [2021]. A multilocus phylogeny of the moss genus Didymodon and allied genera (Pottiaceae): Generic delimitations and their implications for systematics. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 60(2): 281–304.